Monday, June 6, 2011

on a cushion knee to knee

I sat on a cushion knee to knee with someone else

and elbow to elbow with rows of someone elses
and stared into eyes I didn't really know
and felt the gaze looking back into me

no words were expressed but a million things said
no escape was allowed but a million places visited
as the mind intially tried to hold up certain illusions and pretences
in a game it couldn't win

so the walls came down
and something was lost
and in its place something found
the power of the unspoken moment
and the insecurity of what was said without realising it
or wanting it to be said
and the peace that comes with surrender to the truth of who you are without words

and the being watched as if no one is watching
because as I am not there watching your eyes,
so you are not there watching me
the showing of the self as if this self was me
because in my eyes looking outward for 31 minutes
me is lost and you is lost
and what is found is trancendence

its a love I haven't felt before
not for you,
or for me,
but for the space that we hold when we are honest
and vulnerable
and watched and brave
and being without words

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