Saturday, June 25, 2011

lies and truth, both reality


I wonder if this has the effect of a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil?

according to Vedanta is defined as only that which pervades every circumstance
making what we feel, hear, see, taste, touch unreal
and therefore what we say and do also unreal

And so, just because we said it, doesn't make it true, just becasue we lied it, doesn't make it a lie
just because we believe it, doesn't make it true, just because we know it is outrageously not the thing we uphold as truth, doesn't make it a lie

Monday, June 6, 2011

rollercoaster is not for one

The rollercoaster can't be travelled alone

Whe you decide it is time for a trip
It is here I need to gather my wits
because if I am not awake or alert
I might jump on for the ride and probably get hurt

Your rollercoaster ride exists because
I bought a ticket and said I would
let me go through with it
the fee is the cost of experience
an expensive earth shattering dance

what happens if I don't get on with you
I'm preserved the fear but also the view

on a cushion knee to knee

I sat on a cushion knee to knee with someone else

and elbow to elbow with rows of someone elses
and stared into eyes I didn't really know
and felt the gaze looking back into me

no words were expressed but a million things said
no escape was allowed but a million places visited
as the mind intially tried to hold up certain illusions and pretences
in a game it couldn't win

so the walls came down
and something was lost
and in its place something found
the power of the unspoken moment
and the insecurity of what was said without realising it
or wanting it to be said
and the peace that comes with surrender to the truth of who you are without words

and the being watched as if no one is watching
because as I am not there watching your eyes,
so you are not there watching me
the showing of the self as if this self was me
because in my eyes looking outward for 31 minutes
me is lost and you is lost
and what is found is trancendence

its a love I haven't felt before
not for you,
or for me,
but for the space that we hold when we are honest
and vulnerable
and watched and brave
and being without words

"Life not literature matters most" Erica Jong

Words are a web of distraction and intrigue
designed to occupy space
to create an image
to manipulate
to elevate
and between the speaker and listener a third reality known to neither exists!

Between voice giving life to thoughts
and ears, mind and intellects interpretation
You have a broken telephone

Add emotion and the telephone is smashed into bits of decomposing communication
Imagine I dared speak without words
listen without fear
to what is beyond words with someone who actually wants to see and hear
with me
not at me

A meat cleaver is to meat
what words are to communication

Words mask fear
are used as a substitute for loving
and exacerbate the human condition of loneliness
my words separate you from me

Words are the cloak I dress myself in
to hide what I'm really experiencing
to dazzle you with the fancy footwork of my intellect
to distract you from what I am really feeling
words are not alone in their crime
words are the sword
but emotions are the hands that wield the sword
words can cut and protect
but are essentially impotent,
and emotion is not what I am feeling
it is the charge that I place on my words to hide
my essential being

the eject button pushed to activate
your get out of here free card
but free has a price
and eject is a return flight
right back into a repeat scenario
hope you get it right
this time

"Without illusions we die. without illusions there is no energy, no enthusiasm for life. Se we have to be replaced by the young who have fresh illusions" Erica Yong, Of Blessed Memory